1860 Scott 11 8 1/2c green "Victoria"
Quick HistoryNova Scotia, on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and now part of Canada's Maritime provinces, was a British Crown Colony prior to July 1,1867.
Nova Scotia and the Maritime provinces
The Capital is Halifax (from 1879), and the population was 330,000 in 1861.
The early history has the French Catholic Acadians removed, to be replaced by settlers from the New England colonies (New England Planters) in 1759-1768.
The early history has the French Catholic Acadians removed, to be replaced by settlers from the New England colonies (New England Planters) in 1759-1768.
After the American Revolution in 1783, another influx of 30,000 loyal Tories arrived, and received land grants.
Stamps were issued from 1851-1863, and then ceased as Nova Scotia became a founding member of the Canadian Confederation (with Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick) in 1867.
1860 Scott 9 2c lilac "Victoria"
Into the Deep BlueThe 2011 Scott Classic Specialized catalogue has, for Nova Scotia 1851-1863, thirteen major descriptive numbers. Of those, six stamps (the 1860-63 "Queen Victoria" issue) are CV $7+-$35+. Certainly, a representative collection can be formed, albeit at a bit higher cost than usual.
The earlier 1851-57 seven stamp issue features, on six stamps, a "Crown of Great Britain and Heraldic Flowers of the Empire" design, (as does New Brunswick and Newfoundland). These are all rather expensive ($200+-$6000+), and out of reach of most classical era WW collectors.
A closer look at the stamps
12 Pence = 1 Shilling
100 Cents = 1 Dollar (1860)
1860-63 Scott 8 1c black "Victoria"
On White or Yellowish Paper
The gorgeous ( to my eyes) Queen Victoria 1860-63 six stamp issue.can be found in either white or yellowish paper. Sometimes one is the minor number in Scott, sometimes another. Interestingly, unused and used values are approximately the same (except for the 5c blue $400/$5+ valuation). Apparently, after Nova Scotia joined the Confederation, most of the unused Nova Scotia stamps became available on the philatelic market. This probably explains the relatively inexpensive CV for unused.
BTW, if one has a modicum of interest in the stamps of Canada, and former provinces and colonies, pick up the Unitrade specialized Canadian catalogue.
BTW, if one has a modicum of interest in the stamps of Canada, and former provinces and colonies, pick up the Unitrade specialized Canadian catalogue.
1860-63 Scott 12 10c vermilion "Victoria"
The three higher values have a face on view of the Queen. I must admit, that if there was a contest for the most lovely design on a stamp of Victoria, - these stamps, and those of the 1878-1902 Falkland Islands would be at the top of my list.
1860-63 "specimen" issue stamps- Foxed
I found these horribly foxed "specimen" overprinted stamps in one of my feeder albums. Foxing (browning) of paper can occur when fungus (Aspergillosis etc) feeds on paper under environmentally agreeable conditions. Warmth and moisture "help". Foxed stamps is a problem more often seen from "tropical" countries. But, if a stamp is stored in a place with warmth and moisture, it can occur anywhere.
What can one do with badly foxed stamps? Unfortunately, not much. I threw them out.
Deep Blue
Nova Scotia 1860-63 issue in Deep Blue
Deep Blue (Steiner), on two pages, has a space for all the major Scott numbers. If one wishes to collect variants (yellow paper/ white paper), the pages can be printed X 2, or quadrilled pages can be added.
Nova Scotia in Big Blue
Big Blue
Big Blue '92, on one line of one page, has five spaces for Nova Scotia stamps, all from the 1860-63 issue.
The Nova Scotia section is after the New South Wales and Nossi Be entries. It appears all BB editions (from the 1940s on) have the same number of spaces.
The stamps are moderately expensive, with three stamps @ $10+.
But the "Victoria"stamps are well done and quite striking,- and, I, for one, don't mind too much. ;-)
A) Expensive stamps ($10 threshold):
1860 Scott 9 2c lilac ($10)
1860 Scott 11 8 1/2c green ($10+)
1860 Scott 12 10c vermilion ($10+)
Big Blue Nova Scotia Collection
Page 1
A) I have completed BB's coverage.
B) The image shows the one and only page (actually one line) for Nova Scotia in BB.
A) I have completed BB's coverage.
B) The image shows the one and only page (actually one line) for Nova Scotia in BB.
B) If one wishes to have a closer view of the stamps, click on the image.
C) This scan is from the '92 edition of BB, but my '43 edition has the same coverage.

1860 Scott 10 5c blue "Victoria"
Out of the Blue
Classic engraved Nova Scotia- what's not to like? ;-)
Note: Map appears to be in the public domain.
Comments appreciated!
The Chalon heads are among the world's finest, most attractive stamps, in my opinion. And you have a really nice no. 11 there. But the profile Queens, both the Maritime ones and the large and small Queens issued by the Dominion are a close rivals in attractiveness, at least when looking at an example as nicely centered (for the issue) as your no. 8 is. Congratulations on both. That's a really pleasant little page you've got there!
Thanks Dennis- you have an eye for beauty and perfection. !!!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like your Scott 12 should be a bracketed choice as the space is blank?
ReplyDeleteLooks like it. Could put 13 in also.