Into the Deep Blue
The 1895-96 Queensland stamps are characterized ( with a few exceptions) by the Victoria head on a white oval background, as opposed to the previous issues having the Victoria head on a colored oval background. In addition, the 1895-96 stamps are characterized by either no numerals in the corners. or numerals on the bottom corners. In contrast, the 1897-1909 stamps have numerals in all four corners.
This blog post will look at the 1895-96 issue stamps.
This half Penny green has a signature sign if one looks at the back.
The Reverse shows a blue burele band. CV is $11 (unused).
I should mention that this stamp is a 1887 A6 design with no period after "Penny". But look at the Reverse...
The Reverse shows a blue burele band. CV is $2+.
FYI: If there is a watermark on the 1895-96 issue stamps , it will be Scott Wmk 68 (SG Wmk 6).
This 1/2p green has Wmk 68, and therefore Scott 103. CV (unused) is #3+.
A "deep green" color variation.
The minor number color is pale red.
As is most of these stamps, the CV of the 1895 2p gray blue is nominal (<$1).
This 1p orange is unwatermarked and on thin paper. The catalogue says the stamp is faintly impressed with the Crown & Q, but I don't see it with this stamp. CV is $2+.
Note this issue design has the numerals in the bottom corners. CV is <$1.
CV for the 2 1/2p rose is a bit more than the others ($6).
The CV is $6.
Well, so far, this issue deign offers nothing very rare.
Then that changes dramatically.
This Six Pence yellow green was never issued - at first.
Then, it is thought that this stamp design was entered and printed inadvertently in and on a plate of 1898 six pence yellow green (Scott 120, SG 249). It was only discovered later in schoolboy album.
About 16 singles are known, and this is the only double.
All are used with ~1902 postmarks.
Check your collection! ;-)
Out of the Blue
Comments appreciated!
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