1860 Scott 10 12 1/2c blue
"Steam and Sailing Ship"
Big Blue PictureAnother milestone- the end of the Part IB1 "Lebanon-Quelimane" checklist segment for Big Blue, and it is time to summarize the "Most expensive stamps" that cross the $35 threshold in the album.
Some overall perspective-
Consider there are ~ 7937 spaces in
the `69 BB (and later editions) for Part IB1- “Lebanon-Quelimane”. How many are “Expensive”
(CV $10-$34+) or “Most Expensive” (CV >$35)?
“Expensive”: 357 spaces ( 4.5%)
“Most Expensive”: 80 spaces ( 1%)
Ten most expensive stamps Lebanon - Quelimane
Nepal 1881 Scott 5 2a purple Imperf ($150)
Mauritius 1891 Scott 85 2c on 17c rose ($125!)
Libya 1929 Scott B22 5 l + 1 l purple &
black ($125) !
Libya 1934-35 Scott C18 25 l + 3 l orange brown
Newfoundland 1857 Scott 1 1p brown violet ($120)
Libya 1932 Scott B47 10 l + 2 l brown violet
($105) !
Libya 1932 Scott C7 5 l + 2 l carmine ($105)
Libya 1934-35 Scott C16 5 l + 1 l deep green
Libya 1934-35 Scott C17 10 l + 2 l dull violet
Malaya Trengganu 1937 Scott J4 10c light brown
($92+) !
· The 1881 Nepel Scott 5 2a purple (Imperf) @ $125
is the most expensive stamp for the Lebanon-Quelimane section. But If one
elects to ignore BB's color specification, then Scott 8 violet ($10) & 14 gray violet ($10)
& 19 gray violet ($12) are available. If one further ignores date criteria,
then four more stamps (1917 Scott 15,16,20,21) are available for $10 or less.
· Big Blue, as I mentioned before, gives more than
generous coverage to Italian colonies, including quite expensive stamps. And
Libya has 6 stamps on the top ten list here! Wow!
Countries that placed NO stamps on the "Most Expensive" list, AND also had no stamps valued between $10-$34+:
Leeward islands
Lourenco Marques
Mozambique Co.
New Hebrides
Niger Coast Protectorate
Northern Nigeria
Nossi Be
Ponta Delgada
Port. Africa
Port. Congo
Countries that have stamps valued at $10-$34+, but no stamps placed on the "Most Expensive" list:
Lebanon (1)
Liberia (1)
Liechtenstein (20)
Lithuania (2)
Macao (4)
Madagascar (1)
Madeira (2)
Maldives Is (2)
Mariana islands (3)
Marienwerder (2)
Marshall Islands (1)
Martinique (2)
Mauritania (1)
Middle Congo (2)
Mongolia (5)
Montserrat (1)
Nauru (2)
Netherlands Antilles (2)
Nevis (2)
New Caledonia (2)
New Guinea (6)
Niger (1)
Niue (1)
North Borneo (2)
North Ingermanland (1)
North West Pacific Islands (5)
Northern Rhodesia (2)
Nova Scotia (5)
Nyasaland Protectorate (1)
Obock (3)
Orange R. Colony (1)
Palestine (3)
Papua (5)
Paraguay (5)
Penrhyn Island (4)
Port. India (1)
Prince Edward Is (3)
Prussia (2)
Queensland (3)
Recall, any stamp valued >$10 is listed in the individual country posts.
Note that Paraguay, with 357 spaces, only has 5 spaces on the list.
Prussia actually has a $250 stamp space, except the Scott 14a 1865 3p "red violet"
color, specified by BB, is now a minor number! We have a general
understanding for the checklist that, if BB asks for a minor number in a space,
the major number is also permitted: which here is the Scott 14 3pf red lilac ($20+).
Countries with >$35 valuation spaces in BB
(spaces with >$35; spaces with $10-$34+)
(spaces with >$35; spaces with $10-$34+)
Libya (11,32) ($125)
Luxembourg (1,15) ($35)
Malaya (9,12) ($92)
Manchukuo (1,3) ($50+)
Mauritius (1,3) ($125)
Mexico (1,12) ($50)
Monaco (5,14) ($40)
Natal (2,0) ($35)
Nepal (1,1) ($150)
Netherlands (1,21) ($77+)
New Brunswick (4,2) ($77+)
Newfoundland (10,29) ($120)
New South Wales (3,15) ($50)
New Zealand (4,26) ($70)
Nicaragua (1,2) (~$50)
Norway (6,27) ($85)
Nova Scotia (1,4) ($37+)
Oltre Giuba (3,0) ($80)
Peru (1,0) 314 spaces ($37+)
Philippine Is (3,7) ($40)
Poland (8,3) ($70)
Portugal (3,20) ($52.50)
Puerto Rico (1,1) ($60)
Note the listing here gives the number of "Most Expensive" stamps (>$35), then the number of expensive stamps ($10-$34+) for each country respectively. The highest price stamp space for the country is also listed.
Libya leads the way with 11 stamps >$35, and
32 more stamps @ $10-$34+. !!!
Newfoundland (not surprising, considering the
popularity) has 10 “Most Expensive”stamps, with 29 more @ $10-$34+.
Perhaps surprising, Mexico only has one stamps
valued @ >$35.
Luxembourg and the Netherlands likewise have
only one stamp @ >$35.
Want to fill a lot of spaces inexpensively? Consider
Peru with 314 spaces with only one stamp >$35, or Nicaragua with 569 spaces,
and just one stamp that is “Most Expensive”. !!
This time, the list is ordered alphabetically by country . For each country, a stamp scan heads the grouping. The stamp scan for a country might be from the "Most Expensive" list, or the "Expensive" list. If I have none of the above, I will simply choose a stamp from my collection. ;-)
Note the listing here gives the number of "Most Expensive" stamps (>$35), then the number of expensive stamps ($10-$34+) for each country respectively. The highest price stamp space for the country is also listed.
1912-22 Scott 3 5c green "Victor Emmanuel III"
Stamps of Italy, Overprinted in black
Libya (11,32) ($125)
1934 Scott 64G 1.25 l blue ($50)
1929 Scott B22 5 l + 1 l purple & black ($125) !
1931 Scott B37 10 l + 2 l brown ($42+)
1932 Scott B47 10 l + 2 l brown violet ($105) !
1933 Scott B52 1.25 l dark blue ($40)
1933 Scott B54 10 l + 2.50 l carmine ($80)
1933 Scott B53 5 l + 1 l olive brown ($80)
1932 Scott C7 5 l + 2 l carmine ($105)
1934-35 Scott C16 5 l + 1 l deep green ($105)
1934-35 Scott C17 10 l + 2 l dull violet ($105)
1934-35 Scott C18 25 l + 3 l orange brown ($125)
1891-93 Scott 63 25c blue
"Grand Duke Adolphe"
Luxembourg (1,15) ($35)
1875-79 Scott 30 2c black ($35)
1922-32 Scott 73a $1 green & blue green
"Elephants And Howdah"
Federated Malay States
Malaya (9,12) ($92)
Federated Malay States 1900 Scott 2 2c lilac & brown
($35 mint)
Johore 1938 Scott J2 4c green ($40)
Johore 1938 Scott J3 8c dull yellow ($42+)
Johore 1938 Scott J4 10c bister brown ($42+)
Johore 1938 Scott J5 12c rose violet ($62+)
Kelantan 1911-15 Scott (9) $1 green & emerald ($55)
Selangor 1895-99 Scott (33) 25c green & carmine rose
Trengganu 1937 Scott J3 8c lemon ($47+)
Trengganu 1937 Scott J4 10c light brown ($92+) !
1933 Scott 21 4f light red
"Flags, Map and Wreath"
Manchukuo (1,3) ($50+)
1933 Scott 22 10f deep blue ($50+)
1863 Scott 33 2p blue "Victoria"
Overprinted "cancelled", sold as remainders
Mauritius (1,3) ($125)
1891 Scott 85 2c on 17c rose ($125!)
1856 Scott 2 1r yellow
"Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla"
Mexico (1,12) ($50)
1872 Scott 98 100c gray lilac ($50)
1885 Scott 3 5c blue "Prince Charles III"
Monaco (5,14) ($40)
1885 (Scott 3) 5c blue ($35)
1919 (Scott B5) 50c + 50c brown/buff ($39)
1920 (Scott B11*) 2c + 3c on B6 ($40)
1920 Scott B9 2c + 3c on B4 ($40)
1920 (Scott B10) 2c on 3c
on B5 ($40)

1864 Scott 16 6p violet "Victoria"
Wmk 1
Natal (2,0) ($35)
1863 Scott 10 1p red ($35)
1864 (Scott 16 6p violet ($35)
1886 Scott 9 4a green
"Sripech and Crossed Khukris"
Nepal (1,1) ($150)
1881 Scott 5 2a purple Imperf ($150)
1852 Scott 1 5c blue "King William III"
Wmk 158 - "Posthorn", Imperforate
Netherlands (1,21) ($77+)
1891 Scott 50 1g gray violet ($77+)
860 Scott 11 17c black
"Edward VII as Prince of Wales"
New Brunswick (4,2) ($77+)
1860 Scott 6 1c red liac ($37+)
1860 Scott 9 10c vermilion ($47+)
1860 Scott 10 12 1/2c blue ($77+)
1860 Scott 11 17c black ($47+)
1861 Scott 19 5p reddish brown
"Crown of Great Britain and Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom"
Newfoundland (10,29) ($120)
1857 Scott 1 1p brown violet ($120)
1861 Scott 19 5p reddish brown ($62+)
1860 Scott 11A 3p green ($77+)
1861 Scott 18 4p rose ($35)
1861 Scott 23 1sh rose ($37+)
1873 Scott 34 3c blue ($75)
1879 Scott 38 2c green ($52+)
1887 Scott 59 10c black ($67+)
1894 Scott 29 12c brown/white ($45)
1931 Scott C8 $1 blue ($55)
1882-91 Scott 66 6p lilac
New South Wales (3,15) ($50)
1854 Scott 23 1p orange ($50)
1903 Scott 107 2sh6p blue green ($37+)
1891 Scott J7 8p green ($37+)
1864 Scott 32 2p blue "Victoria"
Perf 12 1/2, Wmk 6 "Large Star"
New Zealand (4,26) ($70)
1874 Scott 53 3p brown ($70)
1882 Scott 66 8p blue ($60)
1902 Scott 119 2sh blue green ($50)
1926 Scott 182 2sh blue ($35)
1894 Scott "65B" 25c yellow green (Type A9)
Nicaragua (1,2) (~$50)
1894 Scott "65B" 25c yellow green (Type A9) (~
1856 Scott 5 8s dull lake "King Oscar I"
Norway (6,27) ($85)
1856 Scott 5 8s dull lake ($55)
1868 Scott 11 1s black ($65)
1867 (Scott 15) 8s carmine rose ($60)
1873 (Scott 21) 7s red brown ($50)
1877 Scott 23 3o orange ($35)
1930 Scott B3 30o + 25o ultramarine ($85)
1925 Scott 6 20c brown orange, Overprinted
"Victor Emmanuel III"
Oltre Giuba (3,0) ($80)
1925 Scott 18 75c dark red & rose ($40)
1925 Scott 19 1.25 l blue & ultramarine ($57+)
1925 Scott 20 2.50 l dark green & orange ($80)
1871 Scott 19 5c scarlet
"Locomotive and Arms"
Peru (1,0) 314 spaces ($37+)
1863 (Scott 13) 1p brown ($37+)
1863 Scott 14 5c vermilion "Queen Isabella II"
Colon after CORREOS
Philippine Is (3,7) ($40)
1890 Scott 173 20c salmon ($40)
1899 Scott 219 50c orange ($37+)
1903 Scott 236 50c orange ($35)
1919 Scott 78 10pf on 7 1/2pf, Green Surcharge
Poland (8,3) ($70)
1919 Scott 2K1....(2K7) - seven stamps, each ( $70) !
1921 Scott B14 20m + 30m gray green ($37+)
1879 Scott 43 50r blue "King Luiz"
Perf 12 1/2; plain paper
Portugal (3,20) ($52.50)
1870 Scott 42 50r pale green ($40)
1925 Scott 372 3e lake/blue ($40)
1931 Scott 539 4.50e chocolate & light green ($52.50)
899 Scott 211 2c reddish carmine Type IV
United States Scott 279Bf overprinted at 36 degree angle
Puerto Rico (1,1) ($60)
1899 Scott J3 10c deep claret ($60)
End of "List".
End of "List".
1) “The Rules”
A) The Country has to be on the roster of the "69"
or "97 Big Blue. Those countries that are found in the '47/'41 editions,
but not in the '69/'97 editions are not included on the list.
B) The stamp will need to be actually the least expensive choice that works for the space provided by Big Blue. Yes there are quite expensive stamps that can be put in Big Blue, but if a cheaper stamp definitely works within the "intentions" of the space, the more expensive stamp doesn't count.
C) In some case a "most expensive stamp" choice is forced by a blank space. The "least expensive" one is chosen that fits the criteria of the space.
B) The stamp will need to be actually the least expensive choice that works for the space provided by Big Blue. Yes there are quite expensive stamps that can be put in Big Blue, but if a cheaper stamp definitely works within the "intentions" of the space, the more expensive stamp doesn't count.
C) In some case a "most expensive stamp" choice is forced by a blank space. The "least expensive" one is chosen that fits the criteria of the space.
2) Previous “Most Expensive” lists….
Haiti to Latvia
Falkland Islands to Guinea
Aden to Ethiopia
3) Countries found in the 40s BB editions, but dropped in
later editions.
The “Most Expensive” stamps for these countries are not
included in the formal list, but are noted here for interest.
(Lubeck) (0,5)
(Meckln. Schwerin) (2,0) ($45)
1856 Scott 2 3s yellow ($45)
1864 Scott 5 Four 1/4s red ($42+)
(Meckln. Strelitz)
(2,1) ($125)
1864 Scott 4 1 sg rose ($125)
1864 Scott 5 2sg ultramarine ($35)
(Modena) (1,3) ($80)
1852 Scott PR2 9c black/violet (Type II) ($80)
(Oldenburg) (0,1)
(Parma) (0,2)
4) Countries not covered here
Pakistan (In Part II BB)
Persia (Covered under “Iran”)
Portuguese Guinea (Covered under “Guinea”)
I'm a bit conflicted about expensive stamps. Of course, I like to have them, but this is a hobby for me, not part of a wealth portfolio.
I know from viewing tens of thousands of classical era stamps, that there is no relationship between value and a stamp's intrinsic beauty.
Readers- what do you think?
Comments always appreciated!
1887 Scott 59 10c black "Schooner"
Out of the BlueI'm a bit conflicted about expensive stamps. Of course, I like to have them, but this is a hobby for me, not part of a wealth portfolio.
I know from viewing tens of thousands of classical era stamps, that there is no relationship between value and a stamp's intrinsic beauty.
Readers- what do you think?
Comments always appreciated!
Fascinating as always. Congratulations on completing Part 1B1. Now if you can just get done before Scott splits Volume One into 8 parts.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if any of stamps you list are hard to find assuming you have the funds? My impression has been that the more expensive stamps can be easier to locate than some of the less expensive, presumably because dealers can’t be bothered or they get subsumed in lots. So I looked at your top ten and found all but one available for purchase from the usual sources I check, most though selling at near catalog. The sole exception was Libya B47 which I only located in an 2014 Harmer Schau auction sale. Below is what I found.
I share your pain on the Italian colonies. For several years I subscribed to this particular circuit. And there were almost always a couple of books full of NH stamps near or at full catalog.
1) Nepal 1881 Scott 5 2a purple Imperf ($150) - ebay
2) Mauritius 1891 Scott 85 2c on 17c rose ($125!) - eBay
3) Libya 1929 Scott B22 5 l + 1 l purple & black ($125) ! - ebay
4) Libya 1934-35 Scott C18 25 l + 3 l orange brown ($125) - APS
5) Newfoundland 1857 Scott 1 1p brown violet ($120) - Stamps2Go
6) Libya 1932 Scott B47 10 l + 2 l brown violet ($105) ! - didn’t find
7) Libya 1932 Scott C7 5 l + 2 l carmine ($105) - delcampe--part of set of 4
8) Libya 1934-35 Scott C16 5 l + 1 l deep green ($105) - APS
9) Libya 1934-35 Scott C17 10 l + 2 l dull violet ($105) - APS
10) Malaya Trengganu 1937 Scott J4 10c light brown ($92+) ! - delcampe
Bob- Thanks much for looking at the top 10, and their availability- for a price!
ReplyDeleteVery useful information.
Yes, the more expensive stamps appear to be obtainable. It is the less $ ones- they are either not found, or are buried in complete sets.
A major question is can you get these without breaking the piggy bank?
ReplyDeleteNot sure about you two, but I seem find random 'gems' every now and then hidden inside scruffy lots. So with time it may be possible...
It certainly can happen. :-) !!
ReplyDeleteKeijo, I agree, it is definitely worth waiting to see what comes your way. I think that lists like Jim's are helpful so we can keep an eye out for expensive or hard to find stamps over the years we form our collections, rather than waiting until that is all that is left.