A is for Aden and Z is for Zanzabar

A is for Aden and Z is for Zanzibar... Now what is between? For the world wide classical era philatelist and stamp collector, a country specific philatelic survey is offered by the blog author, Jim Jackson, with two albums: Big Blue, aka Scott International Part 1 (checklists available), and Deep Blue, aka William Steiner's Stamp Album Web PDF pages. In addition, "Bud" offers commentary and a look at his completely filled Big Blue. Interested? So into the Blues...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Most Expensive Stamps- Falkland Islands to Guinea

1840 Penny Black 
Big Blue Picture

For interest, I have again combed all the stamps in Big Blue that have a catalogue value of $35 or higher for the countries from Falkland Islands to Guinea, and placed them here for the "Most Expensive" list.

Previous "Most Expensive" ($35 threshold) lists can be found at:

Most Expensive stamps Part IA1: Aden-Ethiopia

The Canada list (29 eligible):

For the list presented here, a whopping 79 stamps made the cut!

The compilation might as well be called the "France and Great Britain" list, as these two heavyweights dominate. Great Britain placed 37 while France has 21 on the list. (But, of interest, for stamps valued between $10-$34+, France has 49 while great Britain has 40.) 

Germany places 9 on the list. And surprisingly, Greece has only 3 stamps on the list, and they are not "Hermes Heads", except for a 1900 "surcharged' stamp.

For this compilation, I tended to combine "like" stamps (Same issue, or same category (semi-postals), or similar issue dates) for a country into one grouping headed by the most expensive stamp for that grouping. That reduced the 79 stamps into 34 groupings.


A) Countries that placed NO stamps on the "Most Expensive" list, AND also had no stamps valued between $10-$34+:

Far Eastern Republic
Fernando Po
French India
German East Africa
German New Guinea
Gilbert & Ellice islands

Big Blue generally does a GREAT job of keeping expensive stamps out of the album, so not too surprising for many of these countries.

And Guatemala has 211 spaces in Big Blue, and yet not one had a catalogue value of $10: amazing!

B) Counties that have stamps valued at $10-$34+, but no stamps placed on the "Most Expensive" list:

Falkland islands (3)
French Colonies (5)
French Congo (1)
French Equatorial Africa (1)
French Guiana (3)
French Morocco (1)
French Oceania (3)
French Sudan (1)
Gambia (1)
German South West Africa (1)
Gold Coast (2)
Grand Comoro (2)
Grenada (1)

Recall, any stamp valued  >$10 are listed in the individual country posts.

C) Countries that are on the "Most Expensive" list ($35 threshold), with the total number of stamps valued @ >$35, - and then the number of stamps that are valued between $10=$34+:

Fiji (1),(2)
Finland (3),(6)
Fiume (1),(3)
France (21),(49)
French Guinea (2),(2)
Gabon (1),(6)
Germany: North German Confederation (1), (2)
Germany (9),(14)
Great Britain (37), (40)
Greece (3),(22)
Guadeloupe (1),(10)
Guam (2),(3)
Note: Griqualand West is not in BB

Both Great Britain - with 77 stamps, and France - with 70 stamps- are expensive to fill in BB.

In fact, of the 46 stamp spaces for the British Victorian era in Big Blue, only seven spaces can be filled by stamps with a CV of <$10! Fully 39 spaces require a stamp with a CV of $10+. 

We also have a new leader as the most expensive stamp in Big Blue. Surpassing the China Scott 78 1c on 3c red ($250) is the blank space choice France 1849-50 Ceres Imperforate 40c orange/yellowish Type I @ $475!

Also surpassing the previous Chinese leader is the 1840  Great Britain Penny Black ($320) ( although the cheaper 1841 penny red can be substituted), while equaling the Chinese stamp in price is the Great Britain 1884 Scott 105 6p green ($250).

Well, let's take a look ..... ( For "rules" of which stamp is eligible to be put on the list, see the appendix after the list.)

The List....
(Note: (  ) around a number indicates a blank space choice.)
(Note: Most stamps pics illustrate those on the list. Some pics show a similar series stamp.)

Scott 3 20c black/yellowish
1) France

1849-50 "Ceres" Imperforate ($475)

The Second Republic printed the first French stamps in 1849-50: an imperforate seven stamp series featuring the effigy of Ceres, goddess of growing plants in Roman mythology. She wore a garland of wheat and a cluster of grapes in her hair. The head of Ceres, appropriate for a new republic, had been also associated with liberty.

The imperforated seven stamp 1849-50 first issue are quite iconic in design.

The easiest "field mark" found for this issue is that there are "dots" around the chin and mandible, while subsequent issues have "lines". 

Several of these first issues can be had for ~$40 CV. But the series also yield the most expensive stamp in Big Blue to date: A blank space choice Scott 7 40c orange/yellowish Type I @ $475!

Scott 3 20c black/yellowish $45
Scott 6 25c light blue/bluish $40 
(Scott 1) 10c bister/yellowish $275
(Scott 7) 40c orange/yellowish Type I $475

Space for either the Penny Black or Penny Red
2) Great Britain
1840 Penny Black ($320)

Surprising (at least to me) is that Big Blue does not require the Penny Black (CV $320+). Since the spaces are labeled "1840-41", the Penny Red (Scott 3) can be used (CV $20+).

Nevertheless, the Penny Black is so iconic, the BB collector may want to consider filling the space with this stamp. And even though the Penny Black is not absolutely "required", I am including it as an iconic option choice on the BB "most expensive" stamp list.

Scott 1 1p black $320 or 1841 Scott 3 1p red ($20+)

1884 Scott 105 6p green
3) Great Britain 
1884 issue ($250)
The series issued in 1883-84 are quite possibly the ugliest stamps ever produced by the British. Because of (excessive) counterfeiting concerns, the stamps were produced in "Double fugitive" ink. Caution! These stamps will lose their color with soaking. The "double fugitive" ink could only be produced in two colors: lilac and green. Therefore all the stamps looked alike to busy postal clerks. These stamps were quite unpopular with the public. Perhaps because they had a short life, or perhaps because it is difficult to obtain a stamp in fresh condition, the CV for the higher denominations range up to $250 used.

1884 Scott 99 1 1/2p lilac ($40)
1884 Scott 102 3p lilac ($95)
1884 Scott 100 2p lilac ($75)
1884 Scott 105 6p green ($250) !

1902-11 Scott 139 2sh 6p lilac "Baldies" 
4) Great Britain
1902-11 issues ($225)
The 1902-11 King Edward VII issue (Which generally follows the design of the preceding Queen Victoria Jubilee series)  places six stamps on the list. Illustrated is a heavily cancelled jumbo sized 6p lilac.

1902-11 Scott 133 4p gray brown & green ($35) 
1902-11 Scott 136 9p ultra & dull violet ($70)
1902-11 Scott 137 10p carmine & dull purple ($70)
1902-11 Scott 138 1sh carmine & dull green ($40)
1902-11 Scott 139 2sh 6p lilac ($150)
1902-11 Scott 140 5sh carmine rose ($225)

1918 Scott B11 15c + 5c slate & red
"Hospital Ship and Field Hospital"
5) France
1914-38 Semi-postals ($180)
Semi-postals tend to have a higher CV, and here France places eight stamps on the list.

B11 15c + 5c slate & red "Hospital Ship and Field Hospital"$60
(B7) 35c + 25c slate & violet "Trench of Bayonets" $125
(B8) 50c + 50c  pale brown & dark brown "Lion of Belfort" $180
(B27) 1.50fr + 8.50fr dull blue "Industry and Agriculture" $150
(B18) 1fr + 25c claret + maroon "La Marseillaise" $37+

B43 50c + 2fer dull red "Symbolic of Music" $45

B66 30c blue green "Winged Victory of Samothrace" $40
B67 55c red "Winged Victory of Samothrace" $40

1883 Scott 96 2sh 6p lilac
6) Great Britain
1883 ($150)
This is one of the first larger sized British stamps issued for the higher denominations. Appropriately, the stamp also has a (large) anchor watermark and a "large" CV.  ;-)

1883 Scott 96 2sh 6p lilac ($150) 

1899 Scott 2 2c red type IV
Overprinted "Guam"
7) Guam
1899-1900 issue ($125)
The overprinted "Guam" stamps are all expensive in BB. The three designated spaces have CV of $17+-$30+. And the blank space choices yields the choices below.

(Scott 8) 10c brown, type I ($45)
(Scott 7) 8c violet brown ($125 mint)

1881 Scott 88 1p lilac "14 dots"
1881 Scott 89 1p lilac "16 dots"
8) Great Britain
1880-81 issues ($95)
I lumped these stamps together because of similar issue dates. Illustrated is the "14" corner dots 1p lilac ($32+) and the "16" dot 1p lilac ($2). True, the "14" dot 1p lilac doesn't quite make the threshold ($35), but I included this interesting stamp anyway. BTW, BB  illustrates the much more expensive 14 dot variety.

1881 Scott 88 1p lilac (14 dots in each angle) ($32+) 
1880-81 Scott 80 1 1/2p red brown ($47+)
1880-81 Scott 81 2p lilac rose ($95)

1919  20c green "Italian Clock Tower in Fiume" (2 copies)
9) Fiume
1919 ($95)
Big Blue asks for the "20c green" for the 1919 issue, and that "clocks in" (pun intended) @ $95! The Scott 32 20c green is distinguished by being printed on good quality medium white paper. The Scott 32a, on poor quality grayish paper, is "20c emerald green", and hence not strictly eligible by color criteria. But the Scott 32a is only CV $3+!. I have two examples of this stamp.  The right one is clearly 32a, but is the left one the much more expensive Scott 32? I would need to have this stamp examined and certified to be sure.

Scott 32 20c green “Italian Clock Tower in Fiume” $95 mint!

1865 Scott 43 4p vermilion
10) Great Britain
1862-65 issues ($95)
Both the 1865 4p vermilion (illustrated above) and the 1862 4p vermilion have Large Garter watermarks, but differ in frame design. The 1865 6p lilac has a "hyphen" between the "six" and "pence". The virtually similar 1869 unhyphenated variety is illustrated under Number 12 below.

1862 Scott 34 4p vermilion ($95)
1865 Scott 43 4p vermilion ($60)
1865 Scott (45) 6p lilac (Hyphen after SIX) ($85)

1841 Scott 4 2p blue 
11) Great Britain
1841 ($85)
This rather heavily cancelled example is an imperforate Two Pence Blue issued in 1841 as was the One Penny Red. The paper is more or less "blued", and the watermark remains the small crown. These were printed from Plates 3 & 4, and the engraving should be identical to the imperforated One Penny Black and Red. 

There is also a Two Pence Blue issued in 1840 (Scott 2 /SG 5) that does not have the horizontal white lines below "postage" and above the "two pence". The 1840 Two Pence Blue is valued @ $800, but is not in Big Blue.

Then there are the perforated varieties that are on the list. This includes the 1855 2p blue ( watermark Large Crown, perforation 14, bluish paper) and the 1857 2p blue (same wmk and perf) with thin lines on white paper. I have examples of the "thin lines" variety on the Great Britain 1840-1900 post.

1841 Scott 4 2p blue ($85) (Imperforate)
1855 Scott 17 2p blue ($67+)
1857 Scott 21 2p blue (thin lines)/white paper ($67+)

1869 Scott 51 6p red violet
12) Great Britain
1869 ($85)
The 1869 6p red violet has no hyphen between the "six" and "pence", which distinguishes this issue from the 1865 6p lilac listed under Group 10. The two issues also have different watermarks and somewhat different colors.

1869 Scott 51 6p red violet (No hyphen after SIX) ($85) 

1854 Scott 19 80c lake/yellowish Type I
13) France
1853-60 "Emperor Napoleon III" Imperforate issue ($82+)
The effigy of Napoleon's nephew is enshrined in the first issue of the Second Empire era. Two major dies are found: Die I & Die II. These die differences are also found in the subsequent 1862-71 perforated issue. For specifics on the die differences, see the France 1849-1900 post.

Three of these quite classically designed stamps made the list, headlined by the 1854 80c lake/yellowish Type I shown above.

Scott 12 1c olive green/pale blue $80 
Scott 19 80c lake/yellowish Type I $82+
Scott 20 80c rose/pinkish Type I $47+-

Scott 10 40p rose/lilac rose Type III
14) Finland
1868-71(Serpentine Roulette) ($77)

The "Coat of Arms" stamp issues of  1860-74 (Deep serpentine roulette perforations) are attractive and iconic. Big Blue has the 1866-74 20p blue on blue and the 40p rose on lilac rose. 

They are listed by four types, depending on the depth and shape of the serpentine roulette. The deep perforations can cause perforation teeth to be missing, as can be seen on the 40p rose/lilac rose illustrated above.

Scott 9 20p blue/bluish Type III $67
Scott 10 40p rose/lilac rose Type III $77 

1919 Scott 179 2sh 6p olive brown
1935 Scott 222 2sh 6p brown
15) Great Britain
1919-25 ($75)
The 1919-25 British era has two stamps on the list. One, the 1919 2sh 6p olive brown, is of the classic and beloved "Seahorse" design. These stamps come in several flavors, so consult the Great Britain 1900-1950 post for specifics.

The other (not illustrated) is the 1925 1 1/2p brown British Empire Exhibition issue with the British Lion and  George V.

1919 Scott 179 2sh 6p olive brown ($75) 
1925 Scott 204 1 1/2p brown ($45 mint)

1900-29 Scott 126 2fr gray violet & yellow
16) France
1900-29 ($75)
The Merson issue, a 12 stamp production from 1900-29, and representing higher denominations, was printed in two colors. The 2fr gray violet & yellow made the list.

Scott 126 2fr gray violet & yellow "Liberty and Peace" $75 

1872 Scott 7 1kr green "Imperial Eagle"
Eagle with small shield
17) Germany
1872-74 ($70+)
The Germany 1872 "small shield" (Scott 2,3,7,8), 1872 "large shield" (Scott 14,26), 1872 "numeral" (Scott 12), and 1874 "surcharge" (Scott 27) stamps are all grouped here. Eight of the total nine stamps that made the list from Germany are represented here. Much more on these interesting issues is found in the Germany 1871-1921 post.

Scott 2 1/2gr green $35+
Scott 3 1/2gr red orange $35+
Scott 8 2kr orange $35+
(Scott 7) 1kr green $50+
Scott 14 1/2gr violet  ($70+)
Scott 26 18kr bister $35
Scott 12 10gr gray ($50+)
Scott 27  2 1/2gr on 2 1/2gr brown ($35+)

1877-78 Scott 94 35c black/yellow Type II
18) France
1876- 1900 Peace and Commerce (Sage) ($70)

In 1876, the Commerce and Peace allegory design by Jules-Auguste Sage was issued. These "Type Sage" issues were produced until 1900. They are famous (or infamous?) for being issued in two types.

Type I: The "N" of "INV" is under the "B" of "REPUBLIQUE"
Type II: The "N" of "INV" is under the "U" of "REPUBLIQUE"

The Scott catalogue only presents this "major" difference to consider. (Thank goodness you might be saying. ;-)  )  But Maury devotes 18 pages to this stamp series, and there are many subtleties in the stamp drawings for almost every denomination with myriad listed "types" , and consequently different catalogue valuations.

I have grouped the five Peace and Commerce stamps that have made the list here.

1876 Peace and Commerce (Sage) 
Scott 64 1c green/greenish Type I $70

1877-78  Peace and Commerce (Sage) 
Scott 89 3c yellow/straw Type II $42+
Scott 94 35c black/yellow Type II $35  
Scott 96 5fr violet/lavender Type II $70

1899-1900  Peace and Commerce (Sage)
 Scott 108 2fr brn/azure $40 

1873-80 Scott 62 6p gray
19) Great Britain
1873-80 issue ($65)
The 3p rose (not illustrated), was the low denomination for five stamps issued between 1873-80. All of them had the "spray of rose" watermark. This same stamp was reissued in 1881 (Scott 83), except it had the Imperial Crown watermark.

The second stamp in the 1873-80 issue is Scott 62 2p "gray", shown above.  But there is the same design- Scott 63 in "buff"- which catalogues for $20,000+!

Also, the 1880-81 Scott 81 "gray" differs only in that it has the "the Imperial Crown" watermark.

Finally, two stamps (Scott 59,60) were issued in 1872 with a similar design, except the corner numbers are on a colored background.

1873-80 Scott 61 3p rose ($47+)
1873-80 Scott 62 6p gray ($65)

1887-92 Scott 122 1sh green
20) Great Britain
1887-1900 $65)
As if to make amends for the ugly double fugitive "green and lilac" 1883-84 issue, the next major production, the twelve stamp Queen Victoria Jubilee issue, is highly attractive with a number of bi-colored stamps.

Five stamps in the series make the list. Illustrated is perhaps the most subdued of the group, the 1sh green.

1892 Scott 117 4 1/2p carmine rose & green ($42+)
1887-92 Scott 120 9p blue & lilac ($42+) 
1890 Scott 121 10p carmine rose & lilac ($40)
1887-92 Scott 122 1sh green ($65)
1900 Scott 126 1sh carmine rose & green ($52+ mint)

Big Blue illustration cut for Scott 15
21) Fiji
1878-91 ($62) (Actually 1871-91)
Of interest, Big Blue illustrates the one penny "Crown and C R" (Cakobau Rex) stamp, as shown above. But the date listed for the five stamp row is 1878-91, and the other descriptions match the 1878 issues ($1+-$5+), which are "Crown and V R" design stamps.  But there is no doubt the illustration cut in BB matches the 1871 Scott 15 1p blue for $60+. ! So there is a "most expensive" stamp addition, if you choose the illustration (which should take precedence in my opinion), rather than the date restriction. ;-)  

1871 Scott 15 1p blue $62 if choose illustration, 
or 1879 Scott 40 1p ultra $7 if choose date restriction

1867 Scott 49 3p rose (Two copies)
22) Great Britain
1867 ($60)

The 3p rose with "Spray of Rose" watermark illustrated above demonstrates several truths. Naturally, many classic stamps come in shades. But take a look at the heavy cancellations. Quite typical. And also note how the perforations cut into the design? Common for these issues.

One has to adjust one's condition and appearance criteria for these well used stamps- and enjoy them for what they are. :-)

But as a reader pointed out, the heavy cancellations means one can obtain these stamps with a considerable discount from CV.

This 1p rose is also found as a 1865 issue, but with the "Heraldic Emblems" watermark.

1867 Scott 49 3p rose ($60) 

1906-07 Scott 36 5c green "Gen. Louis Faidherbé"
Same series as Scott 46 & 47
23) French Guinea
1906 “Dr Noel Eugene Ballay” ($60)
In 1904, the French West Africa group of Colonies was formed, and here is an illustration of the first generic issue for the association (Afrique Occidental Française). This consisted of 15 stamps issued in 1906-07 with Faiderbé, Oil Palm, and Dr. Ballay designs.

Big Blue has eleven spaces for this issue, but three of them are blank space choices in a horizontal format. This forces the selection of the higher priced "Dr Noel Eugene Ballay" stamps, and two of them are on this list.

(Scott 46)  2fr blue/pink $40 mint
(Scott 47)  5fr carmine/straw $60 mint

1875-81 Scott 23 32p carmine
24) Finland
1875-81 ($57)
The "Coat of Arms" design yields one stamp for the list, the 1875-81 32p carmine.

Of interest, the "SUOMI" inscription is found on many Finnish stamps. What does it signify? It is Finnish for "Finland". Of uncertain origin, "SUOMI" is thought to have derived from a Proto-Baltic word meaning "land".

Scott 23 32p carmine $57

1867-80 Scott 54 1sh green
25) Great Britain
1867-80 ($52+)
I have lumped several 1867-80 stamps together as they are valued at the same price. ;-)

The 1867-80 1sh green with watermark "Spray of Rose" is illustrated. This stamp is also found as an 1865 issue with the "Heraldic Emblems" watermark. It is important to watermark all the early classic British stamps.

The 1870 1 1/2p dull rose also made the list. It is a perfectly fine stamp, but I don't have it. ;-)

1867-80 Scott 54 1sh green ($52+) 
1870 Scott 32 1 1/2p dull rose ($52+)

1933 Scott C6 100d deep blue
"Zeppelin over Acropolis"
26) Greece
1933 "Graf Zeppelin" issue ($52+)
Of interest, none of the spaces for the Hermes Heads in Big Blue yielded a stamp for this list (Except a surcharged specimen), but two Air Post 1933 "Graf Zeppelin" stamps are on the list. Greece does have, though, 22 additional stamps in Big Blue with a CV of $10+-$34.

1933 Scott C6 100d deep blue ($52+)
1933 Scott C7 120d dark brown ($52+)

1876-80 Scott 67 2 1/2p claret
26) Great Britain
1876-80 ($52+)
The 1876-80 2 1/2p claret has an "Orb" watermark, while the identical 1875 variety (CV $85) has a "(small) Anchor" watermark. Keep that watermark tray handy. ;-)

1876-80 Scott 67 2 1/2p claret ($52+) 

1900 Scott 133 50 l on 40 l salmon/cream  (Scott 48)
This surcharged LHH is in the same series as Scott 137
27) Greece
1900 ($52+)
The  SHH and LHH stamps of 1900 yields a LHH on the list-but surcharged. An example of the series is illustrated above.

1900 Scott 137 3d on 10 l orange,cream (Scott 54)  ($52+)

1863-70 Scott 31 4c gray
28) France
1863-70 "Emperor Napoleon III with Laurel" Perforated ($52)
For the 1863-70 issue, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte had a laurel on his head. Big Blue has eight spaces for this issue, providing one for the list, as well as five more valued at $10+-$34.

This rather worn specimen shows the 4c gray.

Scott 31 4c gray  $52+  

1934 B59 3+2pf brown "Businessman"
Part of the series with B67
29) Germany
1934 Semi-postal ($45)
Although Germany has some 800 stamp spaces in Big Blue, this is the only stamp (outside of the classic 1872-74 era) that found a place on the list.

In 1934, a nine stamp semi-postal series was issued (All with spaces in Big Blue) honoring various workers and professions.

The highest denomination, the 40 + 35 pf plum "Judge", joins the list.

1934 B67 40 + 35 pf plum "Judge" ($45)

1880 Scott 68 2 1/2p ultramarine
30) Great Britain
1880 ($42+)
Refer back to the Number 26 1876-80  2 1/2p claret. It has the same design. In 1880, the color was changed to ultramarine. Not a very "fresh" copy. ;-) 

1880 Scott 68 2 1/2p ultramarine ($42+) 

1862 Scott 22 1c olive green/pale blue Type II
31) France 
1862 "Emperor Napoleon III" Perforated ($40)
The 1862-71 six stamp issue was the first perforated issue for France. It is quite similar to the preceding imperforate issue. This set contributes two stamps to the list.

Scott 22 1c olive green/pale blue Type II $40
Scott 28 80c rose/pinkish Type I $37+ 

1902-04 Scott O20 1p carmine
Generic "Official stamp" example
32) Great Britain
1887-1902 Official ($40)
Big Blue has room for 21 "Official" stamps, and the "GOVT PARCELS" overprinted stamps (six spaces) yields two for the list, and an additional three for the $10+-$34 group.

I don't have a specific example to show, as I am thin in the "Officials" category.

1902 Scott O40 2p green & carmine "Edward VII" ($40)
1887-92 Scott (O34) 6p violet/rose "Victoria" ($37+)

1869 Scott 14 1/3gr green & Scott 15 1/2gr orange
Part of the same series as Scott 20
33) Germany: North German Confederation
1869 ($37+)
The North German Confederation, predecessor to Germany proper, puts one stamp on the list, the 1869 2kr "orange".

1869 Scott 20 2kr "orange" ($37+ mint)

1932-33 Scott 143 2fr brown red
An illustration AND a space in BB! 
34) Gabon
1932-33 ($35)
Gabon places six stamps in the $10+-$34 category, and one stamp enters this list.

But Big Blue provides two spaces. ;-)

As one can note, the 1932-33 2fr brown red "Village of Setta Kemma" has both an illustration cut and a descriptive space.

For those attempting to fill every space in Big Blue, the cost has doubled. ;-)

Scott 143 2fr brown red "Village of Setta Kemma" ($35) 

1889 Scott 3 3c on 20c red/green
Same series as Scott 7
35) Guadeloupe
1889 ($35)
It is refreshing to end this list with a non heavyweight country. But Guadeloupe is no lightweight, as it manages to place 10 stamps in the $10+-$34 category. (Remember, Guatemala, with 211 spaces has none!)

The one and only entry for Guadeloupe is an overprinted/surcharged French Colonies 1889 10c on 40c red/straw for $35.

1889 Scott 7 10c on 40c red/straw ($35)

End of list.


The “rules”

A) The Country has to be on the roster of the "69" or "97 Big Blue. Those countries that are found in the '47/'41 editions, but not in the '69/'97 editions are not included on the list.

B) The stamp will need to be actually the least expensive choice that works for the space provided by Big Blue. Yes there are quite expensive stamps that can be put in Big Blue, but if a cheaper stamp definitely works within the "intentions" of the space, the more expensive stamp doesn't count.

C) In some case a "most expensive stamp" choice is forced by a blank space. The "least expensive" one is chosen that fits the criteria of the space.

1877 Griqualand West Scott 23 1sh green/ red overprint
Griqualand West not in BB
Out of the Blue
It's becoming increasingly clear that many of the "Most Expensive" stamps found in Big Blue come from the usual suspects: United States, Canada, France, and Great Britain.

If you enjoyed this post, or have some information to share, or have some constructive criticism, please share your thoughts and reactions in the "comment" section. Thanks!


  1. I have most of these rare ones, especially France and Great Birtian, I do want to sell them however not quite sure how to.. are these prices a minimum?
    And available all around the world at that price?

  2. "Catalogue Value" is the price a stamp that is in suburb condition (Most stamps are not) might sell for according to the Scott catalogue. There are other catalogues available with their own prices, such as Stanley Gibbons, and Michel.

    It is much more likely that a stamp will be bought at a percentage of catalogue value- usually 10%- 50%.

    To learn more about selling stamps, I would suggest reading....



    Good Luck!
