Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Filling Deep Blue: Brazil additions

1899 Scott 153 300r on 200r purple "Southern Cross"
Issue of 1890-93 Surcharged in Violet or Magenta
Into the Deep Blue
This post (and subsequent ones in this intermittent series) will feature stamps I have very recently acquired that have been added to "Deep Blue", my name for the classic era (1840-1940 WW; -1952 British Commonwealth) Steiner pages.

This post will be about the Brazil additions, extracted from a Brazil feeder album in January of this year.

Why should the reader be interested?

Well, I can promise that the stamps presented will be interesting to the WW collector as they will not be common or ordinary.

If they were common or ordinary, they would have already showed up among the some ~50,000 stamps (out of some 83,000 possibilities) that I have in Deep Blue!

Let's begin....

Brazil Additions
1000 Reis = 1 Milreis
1850 Scott 22 20r black "A3" numeral design
Notice that the specimen is unused? If this was used, it would likely be a precanceled specimen - a horizontal line in pen or blue crayon, or two diagonal pen lines. CV precanceled $70+; used - $120; unused - $90+.

Brazil 1850 Imperforate Issue
As one can see, the 20r black completes "filling" the spaces. It turn out the CV $90+ for the 20r is higher than six of the seven other denominations. The exception is the 600r black ($110).

1890-91 Scott 110b 50r yellow green "Southern Cross"
Issues of the Republic
This appears to be a color variant ("yellow green"- minor number), rather than the major number "gray green". CV (unused) for "yellow green" is $14, while "gray green" is $6+. Actually, there are thirteen minor number color variants listed in Scott for this ten stamp issue.

1898 Scott 127 2000r on 1000r yellow, Rouletted
Green Surcharge
1889 Issue of Newspaper Stamps Surcharged
Most (eight) of the surcharged newspaper stamps in this twelve stamp issue are CV <$10. The Scott 127 here is CV $10+, so perhaps more unusual..

I should mention that I added 46 stamps to Brazil, to make the total 576 stamps in Deep Blue. Scott shows 669 possibilities (major numbers) for Brazil 1840-1940. I have 86% of the possibilities for Brazil.

1898 Scott 136 20r on 10r blue
Black Surcharge
The only example of this surcharge I have (There are a total of three stamps with this surcharge design). CV is only $3+, so perhaps not as common as the CV would suggest.

1899 Scott 156 1000r on 700r chocolate "Southern Cross"
Issue of 1890-93 Surcharged in Violet or Magenta
This 1889 surcharged issue has eight stamps, with CV ranging from $3+ to $9+. I acquired this 1000r on 700r chocolate, but still need the Scott 157 1000r on 700r fawn to complete the issue.

1917 Scott 198 5000r red brown 
"Rodrigues Alves"
This engraved single issue stamp of 1917 is CV $10+.

1918-20 Scott 212 300r orange "Liberty Head"
Brazil has plenty of watermarks, and naturally, there are stamps, such as this one, that requires watermarking for identification. This has Wmk 100, rather than the unwatermarked Scott 205.

1923 Scott 264 200r rose 
"Brazilian Army Entering Bahia"
This rather dull lithographic stamp (CV $6+ used/$10+ unused) was issued July 12, 1923 for the centenary of the taking of Bahia from the Portuguese.

1924 Scott 268 50r orange brown "Industry"
Types of 1920-22 Issues; Wmk 193
There are similar examples of this Wmk 193 50r orange brown, such as unwatermarked (1922 Scott 222), Wmk 100 (1923 Scott 241), and Wmk 101 (S1924 Scott 276). The other examples are CV <$1, while the 1924 shown here is CV $30 used/$10 unused. Pays to watermark. :-)

1924 Issue
Types of 1920-22 Issues; Wmk 193
The 50r orange brown completes the set. I'm not getting into the challenges/pain of watermarking Brazil here, but refer you to my Brazil watermarking post.

1928 Scott 293 700r on 500r orange
"President Wenceslau Braz"
Official Stamps of 1919 Surcharged in Red or Black
In 1928, the Official five stamp issue of 1919 was surcharged as shown

1928 Issue
Official Stamps of 1919 Surcharged in Red or Black
The stamps were used for regular postage. CV (unused) is $4+-$30.

1932 Scott 370 700r violet "Soldier and Flag"
Revolutionary Issue
In 1932, the revolutionary forces in the state of San Paulo issued an eleven stamp set.

1932 Scott 374 10000r plum
"Symbolical of Justice"
Revolutionary Issue
The Issue was then recognized by the Federal Government, and placed in general use.

1932 Revolutionary Issue
The lithographic issue has a higher CV for used (beware of favor cancels), but the unused CV ranges from <$1 to $20+.

1936 Scott 418 1200r violet
"Viscount of Cairu"
In 1936, a single engraved stamp, the 1200r violet, was issued for the 100th anniversary of the death of Jose de Silva, Viscount of Cairu. CV is $10 unused.

1937 Scott 449 10000r lake & indigo
"Botanical Garden, Rio de Janeiro"
A bi-colored four stamp issue with two scenes of Rio de Janeiro was released September 30, 1937.

The 10000r lake & indigo has a rather high CV of $70 unused/$60 used.

1938 Scott 465 400r dull green
"Sir Rowland Hill"
Sheet of 10
An imperforate souvenir sheet of ten stamps was issued showing Sir Rowland Hill was released October 22, 1938 during the Brazilian International Philatelic Exposition (Brapex).  CV is $20 (unused).

Air Post 1927 Scott C10 2000r on 200r
"President Hermes da Fonseca"
Nos. O14-O29 Surcharged
I've been gradually accumulating the sixteen stamp first air post issue for Brazil of December 28, 1927. This issue was created by surcharging part (O14-O29) of the 1913 Official issue.

I have 13 of the stamps now, and CV for C10 (shown above) is $4 (unused).

1937 Scott C38 300r violet
"Allegory: Airmail Service between Brazil and the U.S."
Type of 1929; Wmk 249
The Wmk 249 stamp (shown here) is CV $25 (unused). The design was also used in 1929 (Wmk 206) and 1939 (Wmk 256). 

Special Delivery 1930 Scott E1 1000r on 200r deep blue
"Bonifacio, Bolivar, Hidalgo, O'Higgins, San Martin, Washington
1909 Scott 191 Surcharged
The only special delivery stamp during the classical era was issued in 1930, surcharging a  1909 issued stamp. CV is $6+ (unused).

Postage Due 1929-30 Scott J61 100r light red
Wmk 218
This design can be found with multiple watermarks (seven between 1919 and 1940), so watermarking is not optional. ;-)

Official 1913 Scott O25 20,000r blue
"President Hermes da Fonseca"
The November 15, 1913 Official issue shows one design, and has a center in black. This O25 example is CV $30, and the four higher denomination stamps (which I don't have) are CV $55-$350.

1919 Scott O34 500r orange
"President Wenceslau Braz"
In 1919, a five stamp Official set with this one design was issued. CV (unused) ranges from <$1 to $9+. Of interest, eleven stamps were supposed to be issued, but in fact, only five were. There must not have been much demand for this issue, as these stamps were subsequently surcharged in 1928 for regular use.

Newspaper 1890 Scott P20 20r emerald
White Wove Paper
I suspect some fugitive ink must have been used for this 1890 newspaper stamp, as it appears quite faded (soaking in water will remove the ink). CV is $20.

1932 Scott 373 5000r yellow green
"Symbolical of Law and Order"
Revolutionary Issue
Out of the Blue
Hope you enjoyed viewing some of the recent Brazil stamps added to Deep Blue. I think most WW collectors do, so I will continue with the "show & tell" for other countries with subsequent intermittent posts.

Comments appreciated!


  1. Very nice to see the non-BB stamps for Brazil. Hmm, so Steiner pages to 1940 cover 83,000 stamps? I thought the total was closer to 99,000 although I can't think of where I found that number! If so, with 50,000 of 83,000 issues you have created a very significant collection for the period!!

    1. Hi Albumfilling

      The 83,000 figure is quite close to the total major numbers covered in Scott Classic 1840-1940 (-1952 British Commonwealth) catalogue. Since Steiner follows Scott, that is also close to what Steiner offers for the era. So, yes, I have about 60% of the (major number) stamps for the era. :-)

  2. I have been playing with the Steiner pages and a PDF editing program to create a set of pages which only contain 1840-1899 stamp issues. After going through all of the different country albums and then importing all of the modified files into a single PDF I came up with 1468 pages for the 1840-1899 pages versus 6762 pages for the unmodified albums. I haven't actually counted the listed stamps as yet but am interested in what the results might be so considering it as a project. If I go through with it I would break down the list by individual countries in the results.

    1. That would be great. I would be interested in your country list of 1840-1899 stamps and the total. Be aware that some issues for a country might not stop at 1899, but continue for a few more years.
