Saturday, June 15, 2024

Queensland 1860-61 "Victoria"

Queensland 1860 Scott 2 2p deep blue "Victoria"
Imperforate, Wmk 6 "Large Star"

Into the Deep Blue

The Queensland 1860-1881 "Victoria Chalon Head" stamps are a challenge to characterize for the WW collector. One is looking at different Perfs ( and Imperf specimens); various Perf types (clean-cut, regular, rough-perf, square perf, round holes); different paper ( thick yellowish, white wove); unwatermarked/ different watermarked  varieties; and Engraved/Litho prints.

There are some 80 major Scott numbers, and many more minor numbers.

Wow, what a difficult task!....but fun too. !!

This blog post will begin the journey by examining the initial 1860-61 issues (17 major Scott numbers).

Queensland 1860 Scott 1 1p deep rose "Victoria"
Imperforate, Wmk 6 "Large Star"

The initial 1860 engraved issue consists of the One Penny deep rose, the Two Pence deep blue, and the Six Pence deep green. The stamps are watermarked "Large Star" (Wmk 6). The stamps are either found Imperforate, or Clean-Cut Perf 14 to 16.

The above example is a probable* Scott 1 1p deep rose Imperforate (CV $1,050). Note the wide margins, so doubtful this is a fake scissored perf specimen.

(probable* : I will readily admit that all my identifications on this blog post are still tentative, as I will discuss in due time.)

Queensland 1860 Scott 2 2p deep blue "Victoria"
Imperforate, Wmk 6 "Large Star"

Here is a probable Imperforate Scott 2.  CV is $2,250. The perforated specimens are usually pretty close to the design, so this example might be a genuine Imperforate.

Upper Row: Wmk 6 "Large Star"
Lower Row: Wmk 5 "Small Star"

The 1860 issue has a "Large star" (Wmk 6), while the next 1860-61 issue has a "Small star" watermark. 

My Wmk pic above is supposed to show the "large star" (upper row) and "small star" (lower row). 

Frankly, I am having major league trouble really telling the difference.

I've read that the large star is ~15.5 mm diameter, while the small star is ~13.5 mm diameter- a small amount. I note that the "large star" wmks appear to have thicker star rays.

This collection of Queensland I acquired over a year ago.  The collector was quite fastidious with his work-up. I have bought other country collections from this collector where the stamps were correctly catalogued. (Not that common for collections in my experience. ;-)  I am inclined to give this collector the benefit of the doubt. Consequently, I am presenting the stamps as he labeled them, unless I have evidence otherwise.

1860 Scott 5 2p deep blue "Victoria"
Clean-cut Perf 14-16, Wmk 6 "Large Star"

Here is  a clean-cut "Large star" Scott 5. CV is $140.

1860 Scott 6 6p deep green "Victoria"
Clean-cut Perf 14-16, Wmk 6 "Large Star"

The Scott 6 "large star" clean cut 6p deep green. CV is $110.

1860-61 Scott 6A 2p blue "Victoria"
Clean-cut Perf 14-16, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

The rest of the examples for this blog post are Wmk "small star": consequently from the 1860-61 issue.

The Scott 6A 2p blue is CV $135.

1860-61 Scott 6E 6p deep green "Victoria"
Clean-cut Perf 14-16, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

The 6p "small star" 6p deep green clean-cut is CV $95.

1860-61 Scott 6H 1p rose "Victoria"
Regular Perf 14, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

This "regular Perf 14" "small star" 1p rose is CV $62+.

1860-61 Scott 7 1p deep rose "Victoria"
Rough Perf 14 to 16, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

Definitely a "rough perf" stamp: CV is $57.

1861 Scott 9 3p brown "Victoria"
Rough Perf 14 to 16, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

Rough Perf Three Pence: CV $60.

1860-61 Scott 10 6p deep green "Victoria"
Rough Perf 14 to 16, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

A "deep green" specimen: CV $52.

1860-61 Scott 10a 6p yellow green "Victoria"
Rough Perf 14 to 16, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

This looks like a "yellow green" Scott 10a minor number: CV $42.

1860-61 Scott 11 1sh dull violet"Victoria"
Rough Perf 14 to 16, Wmk 5 "Small Star"

The One Shilling "rough perf" is CV $140.

Out of the Blue

The assured identification of these stamps by me was hampered by an inability to be sure of the Wmk large star/small star differences. 

Comments appreciated!


  1. Very lovely stamps, and informative details! Thanks, Jim. I have some of the later Chalon Queensland heads, but nothing earlier than SC 25. Really good to see these early ones!

    1. Thanks Dan for the comment. BTW, I saw your nephew in the Movie "Burn after Reading" last night. ;-) Jim

  2. I have to say, yet again, what wonderful posts these are. I don't collect Queensland material, but your detailed and relatable descriptions make it interesting and make me curious. Thank You.
