Sunday, May 26, 2019

Canada Pictorials 1932-1939

1934 Scott 208 3c blue
"Cartier's Arrival at Quebec"
Into the Deep Blue
This is the third of three blog posts looking at Canada's 1852-1939 classical stamp era.

The first two..

This post will look at the fine 1932-1939 pictorials issued for Canada.

Pictorials 1932-1939 - a closer look
100 Cents = 1 Dollar
1932 Scott 194 13c deep green
"Allegory of the British Empire"
For the Imperial Economic Conference, Ottawa in 1932, and released July 12th, a three stamp issue was produced. The stamp issue certainly strongly links Canada and the British Empire with a 3c deep red "King George V"; a 5c dull blue "Edward, Prince of Wales"; and the above illustrated 13c deep green "Allegory of the British Empire".

The Conference discussed the Great Depression (The failure of the Gold Standard), and lowered tariffs between British Empire nations, while allowing high tariffs for the rest of the world, much to the economic annoyance of the United States,.

1932 Scott 201 13c dull violet
"The Citadel at Quebec"
The December 1, 1932 seven stamp issue consisted of six stamps with the visage of George V, and one pictorial: the 13c dull blue "The Citadel at Quebec"

This stamp was identical, save for the color and denomination, to the 12c gray black of 1930-31, part of the nineteen stamp "Arch Issue".

1933 Scott 202 5c dark blue
"Government Buildings, Ottawa"
For the meeting of the executive committee of the UPU in Ottawa in May and June, 1933, a lovely single stamp in large-long format was released.

1933 Scott 204 5c dark blue
"Steamship Royal William"
In 1833, the "Royal William", a Canadian  side wheel paddle steamship, traversed the Atlantic ocean from the Dominion of Canada to Great Britain under steam: a first crossing using predominately steam.

For the centenary of that feat, a really lovely 5c dark blue commemorative in larger format was issued on August 17, 1933.

Royal William - 1834 Painting
Actually, the reason for the 25 day voyage between Nova Scotia and  Gravesend, River Thames, was that the owners wanted to sell her. She was indeed sold, and then resold to the Spanish Navy (renamed the Isabel Segunda ) and served for many years in that role.

1934 Scott 209 10c olive green
"Group from Loyalists Monument, Hamilton, Ontario"
For the 150th anniversary of the emigration of the United Empire Loyalists from the U.S. to Canada, a 10c olive green was issued on July 1, 1934.

Reception of the American Loyalists by Britannia in 1783
Following their expulsion from the United States
During and after the American Revolution, the "King's Loyal Americans" naturally were not welcomed anymore, and many moved to Nova Scotia and the Province of Quebec.

Some of my relatives on my Mother's side were in this Loyalist group and left Lancaster, Pennsylvania and moved to Shelburne, Nova Scotia in 1780.

1935 Scott 215 10c green "Windsor Castle"
For the Silver Jubilee in 1935, the 25th anniversary of the accession to the throne of George V, a six stamp issue was forthcoming. The 10c green had a pictorial of Windsor Castle.

I must admit that I am a bit taken aback by the loyalty to "Britannia" by Canada during the first half of the 20th century. That just shows how really different the national psyche was between the U.S. and Canada during this time.

In fact, "Canadian" national consciousness and identity didn't really get going until the adoption of the "Maple Leaf" flag in 1965, the conversion to official bilingualism (English and French) in 1969, and the establishment of complete sovereignty as an independent country in 1982.

Sovereign Canada - How young you are!

1935 Scott 216 13c dark blue
"Royal Yacht Britannia"
The 13c dark blue featured the Royal Yacht "Britannia".

Britannia in the 1890s
Britannia was a cutter built in 1893 for Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII). It also served as the racing craft for George V.

Britannia had a highly successful racing career, winning 231 races, and taking 129 flags. 

1935 Scott 223 10c carmine rose
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police"
In 1935, an eleven stamp issue was produced, with the lower denominations showing a visage of George V, and the five higher denominations featuring pictorials.

The 10c carmine rose has an iconic portrait of a Mountie on a horse. The RCMP are the national police force of Canada. Originally organized in 1873, they have existed in their present form since 1920.

What I know about the RCMP (loyal, honest, true, always gets their man/woman) was formed during childhood while watching  Sergeant Preston of the Yukon. And, in 1955, the Quaker Oats company, a sponsor of the show, gave out, in Puffed Rice cereal boxes ("Shot from Guns"), genuine deeds to one square inch of Yukon Territory. I had one.

1935 Scott 225 20c olive green "Niagara Falls"
Niagara Falls shares the border between Canada and the U.S., but the view is more spectacular on the Canadian side. It has the highest flow rate of any waterfalls in North America, and has a drop of 160 feet (50 meters).

1935 Scott 226 50c dull violet
"Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C."
As I live in Oregon, I have visited Victoria a number of times, and the Parliament buildings (1898) with their expansive front lawn (and statue of Queen Victoria!) sloping down to the inner harbor is truly spectacular!

1835 Scott 227 $1 deep blue
"Champlain Monument, Quebec"
In the old section of Quebec City, is found a 50 foot (16 meter) monument (erected 1898) dedicated to the founder of Quebec (1608), Champlain.

1938 Scott 241 10c dark carmine
"Memorial Chamber, Parliament Building, Quebec"
In 1938, a five stamp pictorial was issued.

1938 Scott 242 13c deep blue
"Entrance to Halifax Harbor"
The scenes are engraved, as are all the pictorials for Canada during the classical era.

1938 Scott 243 20c red brown
"Fort Gary Gate, Winnipeg"
Only the main gate remains of Fort Gary (a Hudson Bay fur trading post), but the fort was an administrative center of of the Hudson Bay Company until 1869.

1938 Scott 245 $1 dull violet
"Chateau de Ramezay, Montreal"
Built in 1705 for the residence of the governor of Montreal, it is now a history museum.

1939 Scott 247 2c brown & black
"War Memorial, Ottawa'
What isn't found much during the classical era are bi-colored stamps.

But for the Royal visit of George V & Queen Elizabeth to Canada in 1939, a three stamp bi-colored issue was released. This is the first Canadian issue to require two plates for printing.

1930 Scott C2 5c olive brown
"Allegory - Air Mail Circles Globe"
Canada began producing specifically stamps for air mail in 1928, and here is the second stamp issued in 1930, a, 5c olive brown. CV is $20+.

1927 Scott E3 20c orange
"Five Stages of Mail Transportation"
In 1927, as part of the Confederation Commemorative issue, a special delivery stamp was produced showing five! transportation modes. Apparently, Mail trucks were not part of this, but dogsleds were!

1938 Scott 244 50c green "Vancouver Harbor"
Out of the Blue
So ends our survey of Canada and their stamps. Lovely examples!

Note: Royal William painting scan, Loyalist drawing scan, and Britannia pic scan all appear to be in the public domain.


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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Italian Colonies - Bud's Big Blue

Speculation about Mussolini’s ambitions
Bud's Big Blue
Bud's Observations
After leafing through many feeder albums, especially if they are Scott Internationals, one becomes aware that the stamps for some countries are almost always found in mint condition. It’s a sign that trouble was brewing. Either the country died and there were lots of unused stamps left over, or run-away inflation made the stamps worthless, or some foreign country had taken over.

In the case of Italian Colonies stamps, the trouble was brewed by Il Duce, Mussolini. He wanted to make Italy “great again” by forming a Neo-Roman Empire. The Mediterranean should be Italy’s pond, he thought. So, he set about by making colonies by force, starting with several North African countries. The Italian Colonies stamps were to be used there (the dark green bits in Africa on the above map, except for Ethiopia).

His plan didn’t work out very well. Folks in the colonies resisted and the Allies intervened, effectively crushing Italy’s expansionist ambitions. How far might Mussolini have gone had he not been deterred? No one knows for sure; even he probably didn’t know. Nationalistic fantasies tend to be opportunistic and capricious. Guessing what he might have liked has become a parlor game among amateur historians. The lighter greens on the above map represent one such guess. Others speculate that he wanted not only that, but much more, even parts of South America.

I blame Mussolini for the scarcity of cancelled examples of Italian Colonies stamps in my collection. There are only two. Even they might be courtesy cancels. But, come to think about it, without Il Duce's lunacy, I wouldn’t have any Italian Colonies stamps at all.

Census: 54 in BB spaces, 18 on supplement page.

Jim's Observations
Italy was late off the mark with colonies in Africa, only initiating colonialism in 1890 with the colonization of Eritrea. And it was done more for enhancing the prestige of Italy, and converting native populations to Christianity, rather than for primarily economic benefits. 

But in the 1930s, Italian imperialism became molded by Fascist doctrines. Ethiopia was occupied in 1936. Then Ethiopia, and the former colonies of Eritrea and Italian Somaliland were formed into the Italian East Africa colony. Italian colonialism in Africa was ended after the defeat of Italy, Mussolini, and the Fascist regime during WWII.

Italian Colonies Blog Post & BB Checklist

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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ireland - Bud's Big Blue

Clogheen Post Office
Bud's Big Blue
Bud's Observations
Because hostile tempers prevailed during the Irish War for Independence and long thereafter, I find curious the new Irish Free State’s continuing with overprinted British stamps. Was obliterating the British crowed head with Gaelic inscriptions in some sense a satisfying defiant gesture for the Irish political psyche? Was it a reluctant admission of Ireland’s reliance on continued relations with Britain? Was it simply a matter of convenience devoid of any anti-British animus? In any case, the practice of overprinting British stamps continued until 1935. Covers with overprinted British stamps are rarer than those with stamps with Irish designs. Still rarer are covers with mixed franking. The Irish likely preferred to use stamps with Irish designs.

The supplement page scans (below) show a modest run of the overprinted varieties, although it’s far from complete. Some of the super expensive “seahorses” are missing. The overprinted stamps differ, as Jim explains in the main Ireland post, by Gaelic inscriptions, colors of ink, size of the overprints, and British printing companies’ redesigns. The stamps on the supplement pages follow the ones on the BB page in, I think, Scott order. The first three are pre-war Dublin cancels.

I like the Clogheen post office (above) with its staff of pigs. Clogheen had in 2006 a population of about 500 souls and is located in County Tipperary. The photo likely predates the Irish Free State.

Census: 34 in BB spaces, two tip-ins, 66 on supplement page.

Clogheen  cancel, circa 1880
Jim's Observations
This bland introduction that follows belies the tumultuous history between Ireland and Great Britain.

Ireland was part of the United Kingdom from 1801 until December 6, 1922. 

From 1845-49, the Great Famine caused 1 million deaths, with another 1.5 million emigrating primarily to the United States.

After the Irish War of Independence, a revolt begun in 1916, and then a guerrilla war initiated in 1919 by the Irish Republican Army against the British government, a ceasefire was agreed to in July 1921. This lead to the Anglo-Irish Treaty in December, 1921. The treaty allowed Northern Ireland to opt out of the Free State, and indeed that is what they did.

On February 17, 1922, stamps of Great Britain, 1912-19, were overprinted in Irish Gaelic "Provisional Government of Ireland". And so began the Irish stamp issues.

Ireland Blog Post & BB Checklist

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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Canada Pictorials 1908-1931

1929 Scott 158 50c dark blue 
Schooner "Bluenose""
Into the Deep Blue
Canada has had more than its share of nicely designed stamps, especially the commemoratives and pictorials. I think what helps is Canadian stamps were virtually all engraved during the classical era.

It would be a shame to bypass illustrating them, so we won't. ;-)

This post will look at the 1908-1931 pictorials, while the next post will continue with the 1932-1939 stamps.

Pictorials 1908-1931 - a closer look
100 Cents - 1 Dollar
1908 Scott 99 5c dark blue
"Champlain's Home in Quebec"
The Quebec Tercentenary Issue of 1908, eight stamps, has four historic scenes/pictorials among the set.

Because Canada was part of the British Empire, permission was sought to have non royal subjects and scenes depicted. King Edward VII gave his consent.

An illustration of the home (and fort complex) built by Samuel de Champlain in founding Quebec in 1608 is shown on the 5c dark blue. CV is $70.

Abitation de Quebec, 1608, established by Champlain
Habitation de Quebec was a group of interconnected buildings set up by Samuel de Champlain when he founded Quebec in 1608. It served as a fort for New France, and was located near the former First Nations village of Stadacona visited by Jacques Cartier in 1535.

1908 Scott 101 10c dark violet
"View of Quebec in 1700"
The 10c dark violet has an image of Quebec in 1700. CV is $125 used/$200 unused.

From page 252 of volume 2 of Historie des Canadiens-Francais 1608-1880
Book Published 1882; Image by Benjamin Sulte
Original held and digitized by the British Library
Looks like the stamp image was derived, in part, from this source.

1908 Scott 102 15c red orange
"Champlain's Departure for the West"
The 15c red orange depicts Champlain's travels into the west. CV is $160.

Apparently the scene on the stamp derives from a verbal description by Champlain: ""With our canoes laden with provisions, our arms and some merchandise to be given as presents to the Indians, I started on Monday, May 27th, from the Isle of Sainte Helaine, accompanied by four Frenchmen and one Indian".

1908 Scott 103 20c yellow brown
"Arrival of Cartier in Quebec"
Depicts "Grande Hermine", "Petite Hermine", and "Emerillon", the three small vessels of Cartier's second expedition and their arrival near Cape Diamond. The stamp set was designed by Jose Antonio Machado of the American Bank Note Company in Ottawa, and engraved by Elie Tomothee Loizeaux.

 CV for the 20c yellow brown is $225 used/$250 unused.

Obviously part of the image design used for the 20c yellow brown
When I did a google search of the stamps image, I stumbled on a curious bit of history for New France. Between 1663-1673, some 800 single women from France were brought in to marry the men that had already settled there. The filles du roy, or the King's Daughters, is an interesting story indeed.

1927 Scott 145 12c dark blue
"Map of Canada"
In 1927, a five stamp issue was released celebrating the 60th year of the Canadian Confederation.

The 12c dark blue shows the extent of the Confederation in 1867, and Canada as of 1927.

CV (unused) is $25.

More detailed maps of Canada are available in the 1852-1902 Canada post.

1928 Scott 155 10c green
Mt. Hurd from the Bell-Smith's Painting
"The Ice-crowned Monarch of the Rockies"
In 1928-29, an eleven stamp "Scroll issue" was published, with the five higher denomination stamps showing scenes/pictorials.

The 10c green shows Mt. Hurd in the Ottertail Range of the Canadian Rockies in British Columbia. A Totem Pole (Gitksan tribe, Skeena River) is depicted on each side in the frame.

1929 Scott 156 12c gray "Quebec Bridge"
Gorgeous stamp! Does this bridge still exist?

Quebec Bridge (Pont de Quebec)
Yes, Indeed!  It is the longest riveted steel truss cantilever bridge in the world, and serves as a pedestrian, rail and road bridge over the Saint Lawrence River. It took over 30 years to complete - in 1919, 88 lives lost, and survived two collapses (1907, 1916).

1929 Scott 157 20c dark carmine
"Harvesting Wheat"
Note the transcontinental train in the background?

Scene near the foothills of the Canadian Rockies in Western Canada depicts harvesting wheat with horse drawn labor.

CV is $65 (unused)/$12 (used).

1929 Scott 158 50c dark blue
Schooner "Bluenose"
Please enlarge and look. Does it take your breath away?

Many consider this stamp the most beautiful of the Canadian stamps. and some consider this stamp the most beautiful PERIOD.

1929 Scott 159 $1 olive green
"Parliament Building"
The 1929 $1 olive green shows the Parliament buildings in Ottawa.

CV is $60.

Home to the federal government, the Gothic revival style buildings were opened in 1866, one year before the Confederation.

1930 Scott 174 12c gray black
"The Citadel at Quebec"
Cropped close-up
The Citadel, part of the fortifications of Quebec City. dates from 1673, and is still an active military installation. It has been involved in the Battle of Quebec 1690, and the American Revolutionary War - 1775. It was reinforced between 1820-1850 (star fort) in anticipation of more trouble with the Americans. Since 1920, the Citadel has been the home of the francophone Royal 22nd Regiment of the Canadian Army.

The 12c gray black was one of five pictorials released in 1930-31, part of the nineteen stamp "Arch Issue".

1930 Scott 175 20c brown red
"Harvesting Wheat"
Note the tractor (1930 Scott 175) has replaced horses (1929 Scott 157) as the means to harvest wheat.

1930 Scott 176 50c dull blue
"Museum at Grand Pre and Monument to Evangeline"
The 50c dull blue celebrates the Acadian Memorial Church and statue of "Evangeline", located at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia.

The story of the persecution and deportation by the British of the 12,000 Acadians (Settlement: 1682-1775) was made famous by the American poet Longfellow, with the 1847 poem, Evangeline.

Today, their French derived culture is very much alive as the Cajuns of southern Louisiana.

1930 Scott 177 $1 dark olive green
"Mt. Edith Cavell"
Out of the Blue
Besides enjoying the great designs, I learned some Canadian history too. !!

Note:Paintings/sketches/pics appear to be in the public domain.

Canada - Bud's Big Blue

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