Sunday, September 23, 2018

Brazil Commemoratives 1933-1940

1933 Scott 383 1000r light violet
"Republic Figure, Flags of Brazil and Argentina"
Into the Deep Blue
You know the problem with opening up a box of chocolates? It is difficult to just take a few.

Well, looking at Brazil commemoratives, I have the same dilemma. So here is the next box, err installment...

A closer look at the 1933-1940 commemorative stamps and issues 
1000 Reis - 1 Milreis
1933 Scott 379 200r deep red
"Flag of the Race"
The "Flag of the Race" is a curious symbol. and has been adopted especially by the Hispanic Americas during the 1930s.. The white background is for peace and purity. The sun is for the awakening of new lands. The three crosses symbolize Christopher Columbus's three ships.

This stamp also commemorates the 441st anniversary (why?) of the sailing of Columbus from Palos, Spain on August 3, 1492.

1933 Scott 381 400r green, thick laid paper
"Republic Figure, Flags of Brazil and Argentina"
For the visit of President Justo of the Argentina to Brazil, October 2-7, 1933, a four stamp one design engraved issue was released.

The allergorical design stamps had the three higher denominations on thick laid paper. Lovely!

1934 Scott 393 700r ultramarine
"Christ of Corcovado"
On October 20, 1034, a two stamp typographic set was released. This was to note the visit of Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII.

Scott states there were three printings, distinguished by the color shades - but no further information. :-(

1934 Scott 395 300r violet
"Jose de Ancheta"
In 1934, a four stamp one design typographic set on thick laid paper was issued.

Jose de Anchieta y Diaz de Clavijo, S.J.
Painting by Benedito Calixto
The issue commemorated Jose de Anchieta (1534-1597), a Jesuit priest and Portuguese missionary, who was considered the "father of Brazilian literature".

A native of the Canary islands, he was the first person to provide an orthography for the Tupi language spoken by the indigenous people.

1935 Scott 399 300r yellow
""Brazil" and "Uruguay""
For the visit of President Terra of Uruguay, a four stamp, two design issue was released on January 8, 1935.

Note the allegorical representation of the two nations.

1935 Scott 403 300r olive & violet brown
"View of Town of Igarassu"
Commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Captaincy of Pernambuco founding, a two stamp set was released On July 1, 1935. A Captaincy was originally a tract of land grant 50 leagues wide from the Atlantic ocean to the Torsedillas meridian. During the colonial Brazil era, the Captaincy of Pernambuco absorbed other Captaincies, due to the successful growing of sugar cane.

1935 Scott 408 300r rose lake
For the centenary of the "Ragged" Revolution (Ragamuffin War), a four stamp three design issue was released from September 1835 to January, 1936.

Note the power and movement the stamp design evokes. Remarkable.

Battle of Fanta, battle scene in Southern Brazil
Painting by Oscar Pereira da Silva
It began as an uprising in southern Brazil in 1835, this representing the longest and bloodiest of the failed wars of secession in the Brazilian Empire. Of interest, the Italian patriot Giuseppe Garibaldi was involved in the fighting.

1935 Scott 413 700r turquoise blue
"Arms of Fernandes Coutinho"
For the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the first Portuguese colony (Espirito Santo) by Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, a two stamp two design issue depicting his ship and Coat of Arms respectively, was released on October 25, 1935.

1935 Scott 417 300r crimson & black
"Gavea, Rock near Rio de Janeiro"
A lovely four stamp typographic set was released on October 12, 1935 for "Childrens Day".

It is always celebrated on October 12, and honors Brazil's patron saint, the Virgin Mary Aparecida.

The mountain of Pedra da Gavea
Pedra da Gavea mountain is 2,769 feet high (844 m), and plunges directly into the ocean. It is covered with lemon, orange, breadfruit, banana, and papaya trees, and cannas and roses.

1936 Scott 420 300r green
"View of Cameta"
For the 300th year founding of the city of Cameta, a two stamp typographic set was released. (This actually looks lithographic to me.)

The 1875 "Pilot Guide" book states that the area around Cameta on the Tocantins river has about 30,000 people, of which 5,000 are slaves. The rest are primarily "native Indians".

1937 Scott 443 300r orange red & black
"Bay of Rio de Janeiro"
For the 2nd South American Radio Communication Conference held in Rio, a two stamp  set was produced June 9, 1937. Note this stamp (and the next two below) were printed by Waterlow & Sons, London.

1937 Scott 447 300r orange & olive green
"Botanical Garden, Rio de Janeiro"
On September 30, 1937, a four stamp two design issue was released in bi-colors. The designs featured the Monroe Palace and the Botanical Gardens in Rio. Nice.

1938 Scott 456 5000r olive black & green
"Iguazu Falls"
A two stamp engraved bi-colored set showing Iguazu Falls was issued January 10, 1938.

Iguazu Falls from the Brazilian side
Located on the border between Argentina and Brazil, the cataracts, 197-269 feet high (60-82 m), comprise the largest waterfall system in the world. My daughter has visited the Falls.

1939 Scott 477 400r green
"Chalice Vine and Blossoms"
For the South American Botanical Congress held, January, 1938, a single stamp was issued August 23, 1939.
Golden Chalice flower - 8" large- smells like coconut!
The Chalice Vine (Solandra grandiflora) is found in Mexico, Central America, and northern South America.

1935 Scott B7 700r + 100r turquoise blue & red
"Red Cross Nurse and Soldier"
For the third Pan-American Red Cross Conference, a three stamp semi-postal typographic set was produced September 19, 1935.

"In Pace et in Bello - Caritas". Need I say more?

1939 Scott B8 100r + 100r chalky blue & blue black
"Three Wise men and Star of Bethlehem"
"For the Children" charity semi-postals, popular in Europe, were produced by Brazil also with a four stamp four design lithographic issue between December 20, 1939 - February 26, 1940.

I love the sublime wondrous magical presentation depicted here.

Deep Blue
1934 7th International Fair Issue in Deep Blue
Deep Blue (Steiner), naturally, presents the commemorative issues with a nice leisurely layout. The aesthetic presentation is appreciated.

1940 Scott 498 10,000r slate blue
"Relief map of Brazil"
Out of the Blue
There is a cultural quality (magical realism?) in the Brazilian stamp design that is not found with North American stamps.

Note: The paintings, Iguazu Falls, Gavea mountain, and Flower pic scans appear to be in the public domain.

Comments appreciated!


  1. Thanks for the narrative on the later commemoratives from Brazil. They present much food for thought on learning more about the history of Brazil. I am still working my way through the David van Reybrouck book mentioned earlier on the Congo and will definitely have to look into finding a similar resource for Brazil.

    1. Albumfilling - isn’t it fun to trace the history of a country - and it’s culture. - through stamps?

  2. Yes, it has become increasingly interesting as I have broadened my collecting horizons through a combination of the Internatational albums and the Smithsonian Stamp for Every Country album from the National Philatelic Museum web site.
