Monday, April 25, 2016


1925 Scott 19 30c dull violet & black "Giraffe"
Quick History
Tanganyika consisted of the largest section of the former German East Africa, and was occupied initially in 1916, then administered by the British from 1922-1946 as a League of Nations Mandate, and subsequently as a United Nations Trust Territory until 1961.

It might be instructive, as a brief diversion, to review all the League of Nations mandates after WW I for the Middle East and Africa.

League of Nations Mandate- Middle East and Africa
League of Nations Mandate (Middle East and Africa)

  1. French Mandate of Syria
  2. French Mandate of Lebanon
  3. British Mandate of Palestine
  4. British Mandate of Transjordan
  5. British Mandate of Iraq
  6. British Togoland
  7. French Togoland
  8. British Cameroon
  9. French Cameroon
  10. Ruanda-Urundi
  11. Tanganyika
  12. South-West Africa
German East Africa 1914
The illustrated map shows the geographical situation in 1914 for German East Africa, but anticipates the changes that will occur in 1920 for the country after WW I.

The Tanganyika territory (4) - the largest portion of former German East Africa- was mandated to Britain in 1920. 

A smaller slice of land north of Lake Tanganyika, and on the border with the Belgian Congo- Ruanda-Urundi (2,3,) - was mandated to Belgium.

And a very small bit of land, the Kionga triangle, was awarded to Portugal's Mozambique (Portuguese East Africa).

Tanganyika- later map circa 1960s
The capital of Tanganyika was Dar es Salaam, and the population was 5,200,00 circa 1940.

In 1927, Tanganyika was a member of the Customs Union of Kenya and Uganda, and the East African Postal Union.

In 1935, stamps of the mandate were replaced by those of a combined postal administration known as Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika ( Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania section of the Scott catalogue).

Tanganyika became independent in 1961, but kept an affiliation within the British Commonwealth.

With the addition of Zanzibar (which remains semi-autonomous), Tanzania was formed in 1964.

1922 Scott 12 10c green & black "Giraffe"
Into the Deep Blue
The 2014 Scott Classic Specialized 1840-1940 catalogue has, for Tanganyika 1921-1931, 44 major descriptive numbers. Of those, 13 are CV <$1-$1+, or 29%.

Of interest, Scott has the 1921 and 1922 "George V"issues from the overprinted "G.E.A." stamps from "East Africa and Uganda  Protectorates" (nine stamps-Wmk 4!) in the catalogue under "Tanganyika". (I don't have any at the moment.) And to confuse thinks a bit further, the original 1921 "George V" "East Africa and Uganda Protectorates" issue (Wmk 4) is actually listed in Scott under "Kenya, Uganda, & Tanzania".

However, the earlier 1917 "G.E.A." overprinted stamps of  "East Africa and Uganda Protectorates" (seventeen stamps-Wmk 3!)  are listed as British occupation stamps under "German East Africa" in the Scott catalogue. !!

To clarify and review, the Wmk 3 "George V" issues are found in the "East Africa and Uganda Protectorates" section. If overprinted "G.E,A.", these Wmk 3 "George V' issues are found in the "German East Africa" section. The Wmk 4 "George V" issues are found in the "Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania" section, while the Wmk 4 "George V' issues that are overprinted "G.E.A" are in the "Tanganyika" section. Got that? ;-)

A closer look at the stamps and issues
100 Cents = 1 Rupee
100 Cents = 1 Shilling (1922)
20 Shillings = 1 Pound
1922 Scott 20 40c brown & black "Giraffe"
The first issue for Tanganyika proper was the 1922-25 release on nineteen bi-color stamps, and featuring a "Giraffe". CV is <$1- $1+ for seven stamps.

Nice design, Yes? 

1922 Scott 14 15c carmine & black "Giraffe"
"Dar es Salaam" Postmark
Most used stamps with a readable postmark will have a "Dar es Salaam" postmark from the capital.

1922 Scott 15 20c orange & black "Giraffe"
"Ruanda - Urundi" Postmark
Now this is interesting! The stamp has a "Ruanda-Urundi" postmark, which is part of the Belgium mandate territory, but on a British mandated Tanganyika stamp! I note, though, that Ruanda-Urundi did not have their own stamps until 1924.

Update: The cancellation is actually from Kondoa-Irangi in north Tanganyika. See Comments section. Thanks Gene!

1922 Scott 23 1sh green & black "Giraffe"
The higher shilling denominations had a larger format, although still showing a "Giraffe" vignette. Aren't these attractive stamps compared to the usual monarch issues?

1927 Scott 32 20c orange & black "George V"
The next issue, the 1927-31 release, had the more conventional "George V" design with the script "Mandated Territory of Tanganyika". The sixteen stamp issue has a CV of <$1-$3+ for eleven stamps.

1927 Scott 39 1sh green & black "George V"
The shilling values were again issued in a larger format. One wonders if the stamps really needed to provide a Pound denomination, now @ CV $220+?

From 1935, issued stamps for Tanganyika are found under Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika ( Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania section of the Scott catalogue).

Deep Blue
1927-31 George V Issue in Deep Blue
Deep Blue (Steiner) has three pages for the 1921-31 stamps of Tanganyika, and includes a space for all the major numbers. A hint: Look for 1916-17 British occupation stamps under "German East Africa". And, after 1935, the Mandated Territory of Tanganyika began using the stamps of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika.

1927 Scott 36 40c brown & black "George V"
Big Blue
Big Blue '69, on one-half page (with the end of Transvaal), has 20 spaces for the stamps of Tanganyika. 

Coverage is 45%.

No spaces are included for the 1921-22 "G.E.A." overprinted stamps of East Africa and Uganda Protectorates.

No spaces are include for the larger format Shilling values stamps.

What is included are the lower denomination "Giraffe" and "George V" design stamps.

There are no expensive stamps required ( $10+) to fill the spaces.







A) Expensive stamps ($10 threshold): None

1927 Scott 31 15c red & black "George V"
Out of the Blue
Stamp collectors have a more intimate knowledge than most about the changes in the British Commonwealth over the years- it can't be helped. ;-)

Note: Maps appear to be either in the public domain, or are illustrated here for educational purposes..

Have a comment?


  1. Hey Jim great post as usual however I don't think the 20c Giraffe was used in Ruanda-Urundi. Though R-U didn't have its own stamps until 1924, it did have the Belgian Occupation of German East Africa issues available.

    I *think* the cancellation on the 20c Giraffe is from Kondoa-Irangi in the north of Tanganyika, known for its ancient rock art paintings.

    Gene aka DJ CMH

    1. Well, that makes sense. Yes- Kondoa-Irangi. Thanks Gene (DJCMH)!

      I suspected it wasn't actually a Ruanda-Urundi cancellation when I reviewed the blog post prior to publication yesterday,and thought it might be from another section of Tanganyika, but didn't know where.
