Monday, August 8, 2011

Missing C's-Cilicia

1919 Scott 24 20pa carmine rose, handstamped
On 1916 semi-postal stamp of Turkey
Quick History
Cilicia is presently part of southern Turkey, adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea. The population was 380,000, and the Capital was Adana.

Cilicia in present day southern Turkey
Cilicia was occupied by the British and French in 1918 after the upheaval of WWI, and the French took control in 1919. Stamps were issued under the French Occupation from 1919-1921. Stamps of Turkey were either handstamped or overprinted "Cilicie" initially. Then Newspaper stamps were used, stamps of the French Offices in Turkey were surcharged, and finally stamps of France were surcharged.

Cilicia Map
At the beginning of the occupation, Cilicia was part of the French Mandated Territory of Syria.  But in 1923, Cilicia reverted to Turkey.

1919 Scott 5 1 3/4pi slate & red brown "Fountains of Suleiman"
Handstamped, On stamps of Turkey, 1913 
Big Blue Picture
The '69 editors removed the territory from the edition, and it did not return in the '97. Cilicia is found in the '47 and '41 editions on 1/2 page after the Costa Rica section. There are 16 stamp spaces. The 2011 Scott Classic specialized catalogue lists 145 major stamp descriptions. Coverage by Big Blue was 11%.

Rather interesting philatelic history, with all the 1919-21 issues of Cilicia from handstamped/overprinted Turkey or French stamps. Most of Big Blue's selection are priced in the rather expensive $2+-$20+ bracket. This is not an anomaly, as many of Cilicia's stamps are in this price range.
The '47 and '41 editions had 16 stamp spaces for Cilicia
Most Big Blues have few Cilicia stamps 
Nevertheless, I did find some 19 stamps ranging from <$1-$2+ that could be added.
6,12,22,31,34,43,56,57,58,82,83,83C,87,93,98,100,101,102,104, (<$1-$2+)
1919 Scott 83 2pi orange brown & indigo
"Istanbul Across the Golden Horn"
Overprinted, On stamps of Turkey, 1913-19
Big Blue Checklist "47 & '41 editions
1919 overprinted "Cilicie"
"Turkey stamp of 1901 surcharged Crescent and Star of 1915 (Scott 300)"
 53($5+) :1 Pi blue

"Same on Turkey Commemorative stamps of 1916 (Scott 349)"
 59($10+): 5 Pi yellow brown and black

"Stamps of Turkey 1916-19 overprinted "T.E.O. Cilicie"
 75($2+): 1 Pi blue
 77($10+): 20 Pa ultramarine

"Same on stamps of 1916-18"
 79($2+):5 Pa orange
"Black surcharge"
 81*($20+): 20 Pa deep rose
*Note: BB specifies 81 with black surcharge( $20+); 82 20 Pa deep rose with blue surcharge is <$1.

"On Newspaper stamp of 1919"
 88 (<$1):5 Pa on 2 Pa olive green

On semi-postal stamps of 1915-17
 91($2+): 10 Pa carmine
 92($2+): 10 Pa on 20 Pa violet brown

(1920 blue surcharge)
 99($2+): Illust: 3 1/2pi on 5pa red

1920 Stamps of France 1900-17, Surcharged
117(<$1), 119 (<$1), 121(<$1), 122($1+), 123 ($$2+), 124 ($3+),
Note: The BB illustration is for the first setting: 1.75-2mm space between "Cilicie" and the figure of value. There are minor number second setting ( 1-1.5mm space) values, however, that could be put into the spaces.
Note: I made a mistake with the initial checklist, putting in Scott 101-106. These, however, have a different overprint.

1919 Scott 93 10pa red violet "A Soldiers Farewell"
Overprinted, on semi-postal stamps of Turkey, 1915-17
Kinds of Blue
The '47 and '41 editions are identical in content. Cilicia is not in the '69 and '97 editions.
1920 Scott 119 10pa on 5c green/grayish (GC)
Surcharged, On stamps of France, 1900-17
Big Blue Bottom Line
Quite fascinating the obscure (to me) occupied territories with their resulting philatelic history. Cilicia is even more obscure as it is not in the '69 or '97 editions. I will make room, using  the '47 edition inclusions as a template, in my '97.

Note: Maps appear to be in the Public domain. 

If you enjoyed this post, or have some information to share, or have some constructive criticism, please share your thoughts and reactions in the "comment" section.  Thanks!


  1. Thanks for the article, I was just checking my 69 edition and turning up and down the french section and its colonies as well as Turkey and didn't find Cilicia at all.

    So it just isn't included in my 69 edition, what a pity...

    1. Yes it is a shame. That is why I included the '41/'47 BB spaces.

  2. The Scott Browns have Cilicia spaces in two of the albums. Nothing in the Scott International. The Scott Classic Catalogue tries its best to identify the many confusing overprints by referring to the Turkish numbers. Lots of back and forth between Celicia and Turkey with a few leftovers that match nothing in the catalogue. I studied the departing soldier semi-postal for several minutes with a magnifying glass and wondered if he ever returned to his wife and two children..

    1. Yes, having to go back and forth between parts of the catalogue is frustrating and confusing.

      The WWI semipostal era can be particularly poingnant.
